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Control Our
Own Destiny.

Dedicated to using resources wisely.

Since our founding, controlling our own destiny has been a Mannington value. Today, this value comes to life in many ways, including where we manufacture our products, our commitment to making products for a sustainable society, our drive for innovation, and our passion for enduring customer and industry relationships.


In 2022, Mannington offset tonnes of carbon dioxide, the equivalent of taking cars off the road for one year3.


Intensity Data

Drives Net Zero Decision Making

In 2022, Mannington made the bold commitment to be net zero by 2050 and joined the Drawdown Georgia Business Compact. All companies who have joined the Compact have the same goal and are focused on finding scalable solutions to positively impact Georgia's priorities such as equity, health, environmental quality and economic opportunity.

2022 Carbon Intensity

0.00027 metric tonnes, or 0.58913 pounds, CO2e (CO2e metric tonnes emitted / pound of product produced)

2023 Water Intensity

0.18303 gallons or 23.43 ounces per pound of product produced. (water used / pound of product produced)

2023 Energy Intensity

1.09924 kWh per pound of product produced, the equivalent of charging 51 smartphones. (energy used / pound of product produced)

2023 Waste Intensity

0.04513 pounds or 0.72200 ounces per pound of product produced. (waste generated / pound of product produced)

Even before 2050, Compact participants are working together to cut Georgia’s carbon impact by at least a third by 2030, from 125 megatons (Mt) of carbon dioxide equivalent to 79 Mt by focusing on five high-impact areas:

  • Generating more green electricity.
  • Reducing the impact of building and materials.
  • Rethinking food and agriculture systems to be more climate friendly.
  • Increasing land sinks that capture carbon by planting more trees.
  • Decreasing the impact of transportation, primarily vehicles.
Clean energy

Created in 2023 by our by our 3.3 acres of solar arrays.

Energy Leadership.

The U.S. Secretary of the Department of Energy said Mannington "was among the vanguard of forward thinking American companies as a leader in tackling energy efficiency," as one of the 50 original Save Energy Now Leaders, now called Better Plants.

Water Conservation.

Water is a precious natural resource and a key component in our manufacturing. We have reduced our water use by 12.84% year over year. We also help protect wetlands in the communities where we make flooring.

Learn about our Wetlands initiative.
Water use down by
year over year

Divert Carpet.
Advance Circularity.

Mannington Commercial is committed to advancing practices that eliminate waste. When you’re ready to replace your carpet, we will help you determine if that old carpet can have a second life in another setting or if it needs to be recycled. Contact your Mannington Commercial sales representative and he or she will help you divert your carpet in the most responsible way.

Find your local representative.

Sample Return.

For every Mannington Commercial sample you receive, we will enclose a postage-paid return label. Simply return the sample to us for free. We’ll put it to good (re)use!

Didn’t get your label? Contact us.

OMNIA Partners